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Thanks to all who participated in the 2025 CTYW Round-Up.

There were 528 entries judged and 169 registered participants, judges, and stewards.

Best of Show Winners

Best of Show – Beer

PlaceBrewerEntry NameStyleClub
1stDavid Ward
Co-Brewer: Scott Lechelt
Get Off My Lawn17B: Old AleCowtown Yeast Wranglers
2ndBrian MarmoreoNosfuratu28C: Wild Specialty BeerOther
3rdJohn PostGiuseppe's Pils34C: Experimental BeerCowtown Yeast Wranglers
HMChad KlingA Brit' Golden, Innit?12A: British Golden AleVanBrewers

Roundup Brewer of the Year (129 Participating Brewers)

1stChad Kling311024.03 VanBrewers
2ndSteve Shaw212020.02 Winnipeg Brew Bombers
3rdAlex Benjamin210016.02 Redic Trials
4thCasey Szott121016.01 Cowtown Yeast Wranglers
5thMatt McNair120014.01 Cowtown Yeast Wranglers
6thNormand Cyr200012.02 MontreAlers
7thPaul Heslop111012.01 Cowtown Yeast Wranglers
Wesley d'Haene111012.01 Cowtown Yeast Wranglers
Wuilmer Venegas111012.01 GTA Brews
10thSean O’Donnell110111.01 Ottawa's Homebrew Society
11thRick Alaszkiewicz102010.01 Cowtown Yeast Wranglers
12thJim Campbell110010.01 Saint John Loy-Ale-Ists
Kristopher Banner110010.01 Edmonton Homebrewers Guild
14thNolan Skogen10108.01 Red Deer Brewers
John Post10108.01 Cowtown Yeast Wranglers
16thShane Schlesinger01208.00 GTA Brews
17thLeon Scott10006.01 Cowtown Yeast Wranglers
Brian Marmoreo10006.01 Other
Kevin O'Reilly10006.01 North Bay Homebrewers Club
Phil Gamelin10006.01
Terry Fey10006.01 MontreAlers
Frank Schneidawind10006.01 MontreAlers
David Ward10006.01 Cowtown Yeast Wranglers
Tyler Balkwill10006.01 Cowtown Yeast Wranglers
Matthew Cilliers10006.01 Cowtown Yeast Wranglers
Jim Cavill10006.01 Ottawa's Homebrew Society

Scores and tie-breakers have been applied in accordance with the scoring methodology. Numbers reflected are rounded to the hundredth place. Hover over or tap the question mark icon () for the actual calculated value.

Top Clubs (21 Participating Clubs)

1stCowtown Yeast Wranglers101091119.10
2ndGTA Brews156038.01
3rdOttawa's Homebrew Society233232.02
6thWinnipeg Brew Bombers212020.02
7thRedic Trials 210016.02
8thEdmonton Homebrewers Guild112014.01
9thRed Deer Brewers111012.01
10thSaint John Loy-Ale-Ists110010.01
11thIsland Brewers Union02008.00
North Bay Homebrewers Club10006.01
14thHeadhunters Brewing Club01004.00
Island Brewers Union (IBU)01004.00
True Grist01004.00

Scores and tie-breakers have been applied in accordance with the scoring methodology. Numbers reflected are rounded to the hundredth place. Hover over or tap the question mark icon () for the actual calculated value.

Winning Entries

Table 1: Light Lagers (23 entries)

1stNolan SkogenWhatcha Talkin' Bout Helles4A: Munich HellesRed Deer Brewers
2ndBrooks Wegner888 Lager1B: American LagerHeadhunters Brewing Club
3rdJohn PostTeam Canada Lager2A: International Pale LagerCowtown Yeast Wranglers

Table 2: Pilsner (23 entries)

1stSteve ShawJandalsLSX5: New Zealand PilsnerWinnipeg Brew Bombers
2ndChad KlingShine A Light5D: German PilsVanBrewers
3rdEric Pare
Co-Brewer: Daniel Sadovsky
Radical Yeti3B: Czech Premium Pale LagerMontreAlers

Table 3: European Amber Lager (16 entries)

1stChad KlingLife On Märzen6A: MärzenVanBrewers
2ndSean O’DonnellThe Very Pants I Was Returning7A: Vienna LagerOttawa's Homebrew Society
3rdChad KlingBlaze On7A: Vienna LagerVanBrewers

Table 4: Dark Lager (21 entries)

1stSean O’DonnellSurfer Dude2C: International Dark LagerOttawa's Homebrew Society
2ndJosh Edwards MHPSubtle Inuendo8B: SchwarzbierCowtown Yeast Wranglers
3rdNolan SkogenCzech's In The Mail3D: Czech Dark LagerRed Deer Brewers

Table 5: Bock (11 entries)

1stPaul HeslopJusteis9B: EisbockCowtown Yeast Wranglers
2ndLeif BogwaldBerserker Brew House Doppelbock9A: Doppelbock Island Brewers Union (IBU)
3rdWuilmer VenegasSweet Maillard6C: Dunkels BockGTA Brews

Table 6: Light Hybrid Beer (20 entries)

1stTerry FeyReminiscing5B: KölschMontreAlers
2ndShane SchlesingerBig Day!18A: Blonde AleGTA Brews
3rdRick AlaszkiewiczStriped Cow1C: Cream AleCowtown Yeast Wranglers

Table 7: Amber Hybrid Beer (11 entries)

1stWuilmer VenegasCali Cali19B: California CommonGTA Brews
2ndMichael SzewczukTipsy Trial Alt V17B: AltbierRed Deer Brewers
3rdShane SchlesingerMan, I Say You He Dead!27A2: Kentucky CommonGTA Brews

Table 8: English Pale Ale (20 entries)

1stChad KlingA Brit' Golden, Innit?12A: British Golden AleVanBrewers
2ndWuilmer VenegasSomething Back In The Fridge Here11B: Best BitterGTA Brews
3rdWesley d'HaeneThe Guvnah Made Me Do It11A: Ordinary BitterCowtown Yeast Wranglers

Table 9: Scottish and Irish Ale (13 entries)

1stSteve ShawHecubus14C: Scottish ExportWinnipeg Brew Bombers
2ndPatrick PaughLuck Of The Irish15A: Irish Red AleIsland Brewers Union
3rdFrancisco Avila MenegazThe Leprechaun Secret15A: Irish Red AleGTA Brews

Table 10: American Ale (25 entries)

1stJim CavillOrange Bastard18B: American Pale AleOttawa's Homebrew Society
2ndCasey SzottRogue19C: American Brown AleCowtown Yeast Wranglers
3rdSeungkoo LeeVnigijoko Pale Ale18B: American Pale Ale

Table 11: English Brown Ale (14 entries)

1stKevin O'ReillyNewkie Brown13B: British Brown AleNorth Bay Homebrewers Club
2ndFrancisco Avila MenegazThe Dark Side Of The Grain13A: Dark MildGTA Brews
3rdSteve ShawMild Thing13A: Dark MildWinnipeg Brew Bombers

Table 12: Porter (19 entries)

1stCasey SzottPosh Domino13C: English PorterCowtown Yeast Wranglers
2ndJim CampbellAlan! Alan!20A: American PorterSaint John Loy-Ale-Ists
3rdAndrew FordPLAIN LIVE13C: English PorterGTA Brews
HMMiro SepGleolig Jul9C: Baltic PorterOttawa's Homebrew Society

Table 13: Stout (22 entries)

1stMatthew CilliersDry Irish Stout15B: Irish StoutCowtown Yeast Wranglers
2ndBrent BurgoyneBrown Dog Oatmeal Stout16B: Oatmeal StoutIsland Brewers Union
3rdDavid FournierStalking Bear16A: Sweet StoutOttawa's Homebrew Society

Table 14: India Pale Ale (IPA) (22 entries)

1stRick AlaszkiewiczBlue Demon21B: Specialty IPA Cowtown Yeast Wranglers
2ndWesley d'HaeneTongue Slasher22A: Double IPACowtown Yeast Wranglers
3rdJames OsborneSunset Express21A: American IPA

Table 15: German Wheat and Rye (9 entries)

1stMatt McNairThe Decline10C: Weizenbock Cowtown Yeast Wranglers
2ndKyle KellamBlight Takes All27A8: RoggenbierGTA Brews
3rdCarsten WeitemeyerDARK: Keep Raising, I'm Pouring10B: Dunkels WeissbierGTA Brews

Table 16: Belgian and French Ale (16 entries)

1stNormand Cyr MHPSaison Sans Nom25B: Saison MontreAlers
2ndMathieu BarabeWitty Wit24A: WitbierCowtown Yeast Wranglers
3rdJohn RuyterSaison25B: Saison Cowtown Yeast Wranglers
HMSean O’DonnellThe World Needs More Bière De Garde24C: Bière de Garde Ottawa's Homebrew Society

Table 17: Sour Beer (20 entries)

1stFrank Schneidawind
Co-Brewer: Picknicker
Oud Bruin23C: Oud BruinMontreAlers
2ndDavid FournierI Survived Standby23G: GoseOttawa's Homebrew Society
3rdAndrew Purschke
Co-Brewer: Chris Bohaichuk
10 Nominees Later28D: Straight Sour BeerEdmonton Homebrewers Guild

Table 18: Belgian Strong Ale (32 entries)

1stLeon ScottBelgian Tripel26C: Belgian TripelCowtown Yeast Wranglers
2ndBen Barney
Co-Brewer: Mathew Cilliers
BlackBok26D: Belgian Dark Strong Ale
3rdYacine BoujijaDub26B: Belgian DubbelMontreAlers

Table 19: Strong Ale (13 entries)

1stDavid Ward
Co-Brewer: Scott Lechelt
Get Off My Lawn17B: Old AleCowtown Yeast Wranglers
2ndTina LinemanChloroform Perfume17D: English Barley WineGTA Brews
3rdNicolas AubertWheat Wine22D: Wheatwine
HMKammryn DancyFare Farine Ale22D: WheatwineCowtown Yeast Wranglers

Table 20: Fruit Beer (24 entries)

1stPhil GamelinThe Last Of The Mojitos29B: Fruit and Spice Beer
2ndKeigan EwingAlso RanLSX4: Catharina Sour True Grist
3rdSteve ShawSoniarita29B: Fruit and Spice Beer Winnipeg Brew Bombers

Table 21: Spice/Herb/Veg (29 entries)

1stNormand Cyr MHPPruchinette30A: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer MontreAlers
2ndSteve ShawThe Nutty Professor30A: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer Winnipeg Brew Bombers
3rdShane SchlesingerRed-Eyed Blonde30A: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer GTA Brews

Table 22: Smoke and Wood Beer (14 entries)

1stChad KlingHost Of Ghosts32A: Classic Style Smoked Beer VanBrewers
2ndMiro SepGdansk Golden Grodziskie27A5: Piwo GrodziskieOttawa's Homebrew Society
3rdAndrew Purschke
Co-Brewer: Chris Bohaichuk
Old World Barleywine33B: Specialty Wood-Aged Beer Edmonton Homebrewers Guild

Table 23: Specialty Beer (15 entries)

1stJohn PostGiuseppe's Pils34C: Experimental Beer Cowtown Yeast Wranglers
2ndMatt McNairBelgian Stout34B: Mixed-Style Beer Cowtown Yeast Wranglers
3rdPaul HeslopLemony Snicket34C: Experimental Beer Cowtown Yeast Wranglers
HMAdam BassBapity Boopity34B: Mixed-Style Beer

Table 24: Imperial Stouts (7 entries)

1stJim CampbellAssAssIn, The Return20C: Imperial StoutSaint John Loy-Ale-Ists
2ndPaul HeslopBlack Snake Jake20C: Imperial StoutCowtown Yeast Wranglers
3rdDom LabreIMPoster Stout20C: Imperial StoutOttawa's Homebrew Society

Table 25: Hazy IPA (17 entries)

1stTyler BalkwillHaze21C: Hazy IPACowtown Yeast Wranglers
2ndCasey SzottWoke Up Lookin' For The Broccoli21C: Hazy IPACowtown Yeast Wranglers
3rdJames OsborneLoco Haze21C: Hazy IPA

Table 26: Specialty IPA (12 entries)

1stWesley d'HaeneBIPA MANIA21B2: Black IPA Cowtown Yeast Wranglers
2ndDarryl MaEt Tu, Brut?21B7: Brut IPA Cowtown Yeast Wranglers
3rdRyan PrestonThis Horrifying Force (The Desire To Brew)21B6: White IPA Cowtown Yeast Wranglers

Table 27: Brett & Specialty Wild Beer (11 entries)

1stBrian MarmoreoNosfuratu28C: Wild Specialty Beer Other
2ndMatt McNairYou Should Read More Often28A: Brett Beer Cowtown Yeast Wranglers
3rdRyan PrestonPhylactery Of Vecna28C: Wild Specialty Beer Cowtown Yeast Wranglers

Table 28: Mead (20 entries)

1stKristopher BannerTree Tap TreasureM4C: Experimental Mead Edmonton Homebrewers Guild
2ndKristopher BannerMango InfernoM3A: Fruit and Spice Mead Edmonton Homebrewers Guild
3rdDom LabreHing Poon ChanM2C: Berry Mead Ottawa's Homebrew Society

Table 29: Specialty Cider (17 entries)

1stAlex BenjaminWhite PeachC2B: Cider with Other Fruit Redic Trials
2ndAnita LuszszakSummer Is HereC2B: Cider with Other Fruit Cowtown Yeast Wranglers
3rdRick AlaszkiewiczThe Cherry On TopC2B: Cider with Other Fruit Cowtown Yeast Wranglers

Table 30: Cider (12 entries)

1stAlex BenjaminDuke Of Duxbury 2024C1B: English CiderRedic Trials
2ndAlex BenjaminMcIntoshC1A: New World CiderRedic Trials
3rdCasey SzottDry CiderC1A: New World CiderCowtown Yeast Wranglers